Şi cum stăteam eu de dimineaţă, într-o narcolepsie cataleptică hibernală, sorbind din cafea, ce să vezi...?

... aflu că Apple taman ce a lansat - o dată cu Tablet - şi un DSLR care va da peste cap piaţa de specialitate... După lungi testări şi după ce cu greu s-a încercat păstrarea secretului din jurul său, noul model DSLR a fost deconspirat, la o grădină zoologică din San Diego...
Uitaţi cum a stat treaba..
Last weekend I went to San Diego Wild Animal park. My little girl was at the merry-go-round, giggling away in a spinning cup and a saucer. Of course, being the best father that I could be, I was shooting away at 4.7 fps or whatever K-7 does. Then this dude, who had 2 Canon 5D's on both of his shoulders with huge lenses stuck on them, started talking to me out of the blue.
"What's that?" he said.
"What's what?" I said.
"The camera," he said. "What is 'pentax?'"
Needless to say, I was stunned. Canon full-framer x 2 and he has not heard of Pentax. I was about to say something terribly smart-ass, then I restrained myself.
"I am glad you asked," I started. Then I went on and on about how Pentax is the newest camera manufacturer out of Japan, and K-7 was the prototype that I was testing out for the last 2 weeks. I also told him that the sensor size was somewhere between FF and MF, and has 23.7 MP, ad shoots close to 8 fps.
"We are ready to storm the US market, and the real killer is the price," by then I was on a roll. "We are going to shock the world by selling these babies for under $1,000."
"Are you serious??" the guy said. "My lenses cost more than that."
In the end I told him that Apple was the majority shareholder and that the camera will be announced today along with iTablet. I let him handle the camera for a while, and the look on his face was priceless.
(toată povestea o găsiţi aici)
Până una-alta, io mă grăbesc să mă înscriu pe lista de cumpărare pentru acest nou şi extraordinar DSLR!
Şi acum ştiu sigur că nu mafia DSLR-urilor şi-a băgat codiţa, ci corporatiştii ăştia hulpavi care vor să ne destabilizeze nouă nikoanele, canoanele şi alte alea... gata, nu ne mai scapă nici un VR, IS, MegaOIS, SSS, VC sau SR...